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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow


Welcome to Yellow Class

In this mixed Year 1/Reception class Mrs Robinson is the class teacher and Mrs Johnson is the teaching assistant. Please come and see us if you have any questions or queries.

We have PE on a Monday and Thursday, we will also be having PE outside when the weather permits. Please make sure that PE bags are in school all week.


The theme this term is 'All creatures great and small', and our classroom is a zoo!. Through this theme your child will be taught:

Year 1 
Science: Children will be learning about parts of the human body. They will be identifying a variety of common animals, describing and comparing them. They will be investigating different animal habitats and identifying carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

ICT: Children will be learning about how to use the internet safely and will be using the internet to conduct digital research about animals. The children will also be practising their word processing skills.

Art and Design: Children will be exploring, investigating and experimenting with a range of starting points. We will be looking at the work of the artist Monet. We will be using textiles to create our artwork.

Music: Children will be using their voices expressively through singing and reciting rhymes. They will be specifically focused on duration.

PE: Our focus areas are games and athletics this term. 

RE: Children will be finding out about different places of worship.

PSHCE (Personal, social, health, citizenship education): Our focus will be on 'the world of drugs' and 'changes' as we move to our next class and year group.

Literacy: Ongoing literacy skills plus topic related work such as invitation writing  and information/factual writing.

Numeracy: Ongoing numeracy skills plus topic related work such as problem solving, multiplication and division.




Throughout the term we will be covering the following areas:

Personal,Social and Emotional Development:
Circle time, talk partners, group games with rules, critiquing own and others work, talking about ideas in a group, leading activities, persevering at an activity.

Physical Development:
Gymnastics, balancing, shapes, rolls, using apparatus, stretches, sports day practise, athletics, animal inspired dance routine, Skip to the Beat challenge, writing, finger strengthening rhymes, neat letter formation- joined up, healthy choices. 

Communication and Language:
Story and information maps, project discussion, presentations of learning, talk partner work, group work, asking and answering questions, retelling information about a chosen animal, critique. 
Read,Write,Inc., talk for writing, reading, discussion of stories and answering questions about them, labelling, adult led guided writing sessions, talking about their writing, story writing, information texts, floorbook. 
Doubling, halving, addition, subtraction, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, simple problem solving, money, capacity, distance and measuring. 
Understanding the World
Family customs-retelling Easter holidays, learning about the zoo, information about different animals, endangered animals, fundraising, Book Creator app, apps for literacy and maths, gardening, special celebrations, school trip. 
Expressive Arts and Design
Singing, dancing, making music to accompany dance routines, animal inspired music with instruments, listening to animal sounds and music, animal masks, making props for immersive classroom. 

Any additional resources/photographs that may support our topic would be greatly appreciated.


Finding out about the UK

Great teamwork in Yellow class!
