School uniform:
P.E. kit:
Branded/logo sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, fleeces and book bags can all be purchased online via our uniform provider, Uniform Direct.They also have our uniform stocked at their Gainsborough store, or alternatively these can be purchased at Shah's uniform shop on West Street in Scunthorpe.
Orders are posted direct to your home address usually within 3-5 working days. However, they are very busy during August, you are advised to order as early as possible for the start of the academic year. Some samples sizes of the uniform are available in the school office for you to view before ordering if required. Non branded/logo items can be worn and bought from most 'high street' retailers.
We currently still have a small supply of sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts in stock which can be purchased direct from school via Parentpay or by cash via the school office.
Pre-Loved Uniform
We have a large selection of second hand excellent quality uniform available from our office for a small donation (trousers, skirts, t-shirts, cardigans, plimsolls, shoes and jumpers). Why not call in and see what we have in stock and pick up a bargain.
If you have any good quality, pre-loved items to donate, these can be handed in at the school office.