Welcome to the Red class page!
The class teacher in Red class is Miss Watson. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Reed.
Mrs Jacklin will be in Red class on a Wednesday afternoon.
Our class page is where you will find information about our PE days, library sessions, book change days and any other important information you need to know! You will also be able to find out about our curriculum, termly topics and see photographs of our exciting learning!
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please bring your PE bag to school on a Monday. We will keep our PE bags in school all week in case of any changes; they will be sent home on a Friday.
Reading books
All children will start with a Read Write Inc. set 1 sounds book. As they move through the Read Write Inc. programme, they will receive books to match their Read Write Inc. group; these will be changed on a Friday. If children read these books 3 or more times during the week, and this is recorded in their reading diary, they will receive a golden ticket and be in with a chance to win a book in Friday's Achievement assembly! Please ensure children’s bookbags and books are in school daily in case of reading activities during the school day.
We change our library books on a Wednesday; every child will choose a book to take home and enjoy with their family.
Please ensure library books are in bookbags on this day.
We will upload homework to Tapestry every Friday.
Children will bring their homework books home on a Friday; these will be collected in on the following Wednesday.
Please also follow our school Twitter page @BottesfordIS for updates!