Welcome to Yellow Class
Miss Labourne and Mrs Rusling are the teachers in Yellow Class and Miss Jordan is the TA. Our PE slots through Spring term are on a Monday and Wednesday, but can change, so can you please ensure that PE kits are brought in on a Monday and taken again on a Friday. Our twitter pages are @MissLabourne and @mrs_rusling, please follow us to find out what we are learning. Book change will be on a Wednesday unless otherwise stated.
Summer term coverage
This term our whole school theme is 'All creatures great and small' and we are at the farm for our immersive environment.
Literacy - In Literacy the children will be learning about writing a recount, instructions, writing diaries and fiction work on farm based stories.
Numeracy - In Numeracy the children will cover a range of activities involving skills such as improving their mental arithmetic, division, multiplication, measurement (weight) and direction and movement.
Computing - In Computing the children will be using digital research as well as building on their word processing skills. They will continue to develop their awareness of e-safety. The children will begin to work with our new programmed robots named Dash.
Science - The children will be working scientifically primarily with a biology focus. They will look at a variety of animal life cycles - those of chicks in particular and also the habitats of various farm animals. The children will also look at seasonal change and take part in a variety of investigations.
PSHCE - The children will be focusing on our school value of respect. They will learn about respecting animals and humans alike and focus on stories that are written around the theme of respect.
Art and design - The children will be learning about creating texture in their artwork and focusing on using a range of colours. The children will work with textiles and this will be linked to farm animals. The end outcome of the project will be art based and displayed at Pink Pig for the children's exhibition.
Music - The children will be learning to listen carefully to pieces of music and also how to compose their own music. We will be carefully examining duration of beats. We will listen to a range of farmyard themed music and the children will compose their own.
PE - The children will be covering basic fitness skills, ball games and athletics. They will have a skip for life event during Summer term. They will also take part in sports day.
History - The children will learn about farming over time, the way it has changed and if the produce has changed. They will look at how the equipment used on farms has evolved. We will be looking especially at farms in England.
RE - Children will look at religious ceremonies, we will also focus on the faith of Hinduism.
Geography - The children will learn about farms and their environment.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to ask.