Mrs Dalgairns is the class teacher and Mrs Strickland is the TA.
P.E will be Tuesday and Thursday. As P.E times change throughout the year, could you please ensure that P.E kits are brought to school on Monday and they will be taken home on Fridays.
Summer Term Coverage -
This term our whole school theme is 'All Creatures Great and Small'
Literacy - In literacy the children will be writing instructions, retelling stories, recounts, non-chronological reports and looking at poetry.
The children will be covering a range of spelling, grammar and punctuation skills.
Numeracy - In Numeracy the children will cover a range of activities involving skills such as improving their mental arithmetic, the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and challenges linked to applying these, fractions, understanding the properties of shapes, comparing measures, time and money.
Computing - In Computing the children will be using digital research as well as ongoing word processing skills. The children will be using algorithms (instructions) to program our Dash robots.
Science - The children will be classifying animals, learning about habitats and how animals adapt to their environments. We will also be looking at simple food chains.
PSHCE - We will be focusing on the values Respect (Respectful Rabbit) and Empowered (Fly High Eagle)
Art and Design - The children will be using different mediums to create camouflage effects. We will be studying the art of Pam Mark, who creates artwork of endangered animals.
Music - The children will be exploring duration.
PE - The children will have opportunities to cover aspects of games and athletics.
Design and Technology (linked to Art) - children will use natural materials to create camouflage landscapes.
RE - The children will be developing a greater understanding of the key beliefs of Christianity and Hinduism, including Places of Worship.
If you have any resources linked to our theme this term and would be happy to let us borrow them, we would be very grateful.