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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

Mini Mentors

Our Mini Mentors are a group of Year 2 children who work with Miss Busby, Miss Parker and Miss Labourne. 


What do Mini Mentors do?

  • Be a good friend to all of the children in school
  • Play with children who do not have anyone to play with
  • Look after children who are sad or worried
  • Support children who feel worried or sad at school
  • Help children to understand how our behaviour can make other children happy or sad
  • Set a good example to others by always being friendly, kind and helpful


Our Mini Mentors work hard on the playground during playtimes (look out for their red caps!); they can often be found writing names of the children who are following the golden rules in their special notebooks. They take their books to Mrs Casey every Thursday so they can nominate someone to receive the Friendly Award during our weekly Achievement Assembly. The Mini Mentors present this award in assembly with Miss Busby. 

Mini Mentors 2024-2025

Mini Mentors 2023-2024

Our 2023-24 mini mentors in training from our older and experienced mini mentors

Mini Mentors 2022-2023

Mini Mentors 2021-2022
