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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

PE, Physical Activity and School Sport (PESSPA)

'Better movers make better thinkers. Better movers make better learners.'


Our Aims

  • To encourage children to be physically active, instil healthy habits and develop a love of exercise,
  • To enable children to participate in both individual and team activities, developing good sporting behaviour,
  • To enable children to be proud of their achievements and always strive for their personal best,
  • To encourage children to experience a wide range of activities and develop skills that can be further developed in later life,
  • To develop an understanding of the advantages of regular physical exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle,
  • To expose children to a range of sporting activities.

Children receive a minimum of two hours curriculum provision per week. The curriculum sessions are taken by class teachers; this ensures quality of delivery with a range of sporting opportunities delivered throughout the year in all year groups.
We have a wide range of after school sports clubs for the children. Please see the clubs section of the website for more information:

Get Ahead

We are committed to improving PE and school sport for our children. We are a proud member of the Get Ahead Partnership and work closely with them to improve every child's experience of PE (curriculum), to increase opportunities for competition against selves and others, increase physical activity for all young people and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Liam is our Physical Activity Mentor and is in school every Friday, helping us to be the healthiest, happiest school we can be. Liam works with groups of children throughout the afternoon, including our Sports Leaders - please see for more information. 


PE and Sport Premium

We are very proud of how fit and healthy our children are, as they already have so many opportunities at our school to take part in daily physical activity and learn about healthy lifestyles. We aim to make our provision even better using the School Sports Premium. Please see the Sports Premium section of the website for more information: 


Monster Kickabout! 15/11/24

KS1 Target festival - inter school event at Bottesford Sports Hall 14/11/24

Target event - intra school competition day 11/11/24

A huge well done to Orange class on being the class champions and earning the most points from the target activities! 


1st place - Orange class with 280 points

2nd place - Indigo class with 207 points

3rd place - Violet class with 206 points


Great Athletes day - visit from Liz McTernan elite paratriathlete 9/10/24


Olympic Days - whole school intra-school competition 17th and 19th July 2024

Get Ahead Sports Awards 3/7/24

Sports Day 2024 - 24/5/24

Chance2Shine cricket experience days for KS1 - 3/5/24 and 10/5/24

Colour Run - whole school community event 26/4/24

KS1 Athletics - inter school event at The Pods 18/4/24

Masters Golf day - whole school intra-school competition 21/3/24

Dance Showcase at the Baths Hall 21/3/24

Biggest ever football session for girls! 8/3/24

KS1 Striking and Fielding - inter-school event at The Pods 22/2/24

Multi-Sports Session with SportsCool 19/2/24

Yoga and Mindfulness sessions with SportsCool for Children's Mental Health Week 5/2/24

KS1 Invasion Games - inter school event at The Pods 11/1/24

KS1 Boccia and Dodgeball - inter school event at Ancholme Leisure Centre 13/11/23

Rugby World Cup day 12/10/23 - whole school intra-school competition

A huge well done to Violet class who are our first class champions of the academic year! 


Women's World Cup day 21/7/23 - whole school event

Speed of Light - intra-school competition 22/6/23

Sports Day 26/5/23

Colour Run - whole school event 28/4/23

KS1 All Stars - inter school event at the Pods 27/5/23

Dance Showcase 23/3/23 - Multi school event at The Baths Hall

KS1 Striking and Fielding - inter school event at the Pods 09/03/23

Cricket Day - intra-school competition 20/2/23

KS1 Invasion Games - inter school event at the Pods 19/1/23

World Cup Day - intra-school competition 1/12/22

Huge congratulations to Green class who won the World Cup Day! 

KS1 Target - inter school event at the Pods 10/11/22


Silent Disco - whole school event 13/6/22

Skip4life - whole school personal best challenge 16/5/22

KS1 All Stars - inter school event at the Pods 5/5/22

Colour Run - whole school event 27/4/22

Dance Showcase - inter-school event at the Baths Hall 24/3/22

KS1 Striking and Fielding - inter-school event at Baysgarth Leisure Centre 10/3/22

KS1 Invasion Games - inter-school event at the Pods 14/1/22

KS1 Dodgeball/Boccia - inter-school event at the Pods11/11/21


Our PESSPA offer during academic year 2020-2021 was impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We set ourselves a mission during the summer term: to use PESSPA as a tool to provide our children with joyous, memorable experiences and moments. We worked with the Get Ahead Partnership to run whole school events including a Colour Run, Silent Disco, Olympic Day and EURO football day. We also celebrated National School Sports Week by holding a Sports Day in our class bubbles. 


Some feedback from our families Summer term 2021:

'The wide range of sporting activities has also been a brilliant feature of this term. Events such as the colour run, sports day, the EURO football day and the mini Olympics day have meant so much to J. It was wonderful to see his excitement and the photos on Tapestry, and to hear all about them at home.'

'My son had THE BEST time doing this. Thank-you for making moving fun.'

'He hasn't stopped talking about the silent disco since he got home this afternoon, he burst through the door and told me he'd had the best day ever!'

Sports Day 2021

We are delighted to have been awarded with these School Games Marks as a result of our work during 2019-2020. 

KS1 Dodgeball 12/3/20

KS1 Invasion Games 23/1/20

KS1 Dodgeball 31/10/19

Weller Hauraki taught us the Haka!

Still image for this video

KS1 All Stars! 9/5/19

Colour Run 27/3/19

On 27th March 2019 we held our first #bottesfordcolourrun with Get Ahead; a sponsored community event with Bottesford Junior School and our families. The event was hugely successful, and very colourful!

Here's some of the amazing feedback we received:

  • "What a fantastically organised event. Jacob had so much fun. Thank-you Bottesford for our first colour run experience."
  • "Would just like to say a massive thankyou and well done to all involved in organising today's colour run. Such a fab event and a lot of fun."
  • "A huge thank you to everyone for organising the fantastic colour run! Harry enjoyed it so much that he has asked me to find another colour run for him to take part in! He has also decided that he would like to run more often. It was brilliant to watch too!" 

KS1 Invasion Games! 31/1/19

Get Glowing at Bottesford Infants - whole school event! 29/1/19


What a wonderful year it was! Please see the photo slideshows below to see all of the active things we have been up to! 

Skip4life day 2! 18/6/18

85% of children who participated in skip4life day 2 improved their score in the 2 minute challenge! 

KS1 Sports Force Ambassador Training 22/05/18

Sports Leader training! 11/05/18

KS1 Invasion Games 08/05/18

skip4life Day 1 01/05/19

Get Going Wellbeing - Spring term 2018

#doyourselfproud Colour Run 23/3/18

Still image for this video

Sport Relief 23/3/18

Joe, our Physical Activity Mentor, and our Year 2 Sports Leaders led a day of class challenges to support Sport Relief. 

KS1 All Stars 27/02/18

Year 1 Cheerleading club - Spring 2018

Chance2Shine Cricket Year 1 - Spring term 2018

Cheerleading Club! Autumn term 2017

KS1 Dodgeball 28/11/17

Sports Leaders in Action!


  • Scunthorpe United's Neal Bishop came in to inspire the children in Red and Orange class during their Sports Week!
  • The School Sport Network provided us with lots of sporting activities and events including 'skip4life' and 'It's catching!'.

  • We launched our summer term projects with a huge MOVE IT! whole school project launch week! Danny and the amazing sports leaders from Bottesford Juniors helped us to run a whole week of sporting activities including Athletics, Boccia, Curling, Football and a Fun Run. The winning class were BLUE class with a total of 128 points! 

  • Danny and Helena from the School Sport Network came in to talk to us about being 'A Healthy Me'. We held a class competition to see which class could collect the most healthy food packets... the winning class were Orange class!

  • Owen from the School Sport Network came in to deliver Athletics CPD for all of our teachers. 

Please see photo slideshows below to see all of the amazing things we have been up to!

skip4life! Nov 2016

Move It! Project Launch - April 2017

A Healthy Me! 02/05/17

Athletics CPD 10/05/17

Gymnastics with Allison from Allegro!

A Healthy Me Day 2! 30/06/17
