Welcome to Yellow Class!
Yellow class is a mixed year one/reception class. There are two teachers, Mrs Gregory (Monday and Tuesday) and Miss Labourne (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). Our full time teaching assistant is Miss Wells. Our class page is where you will find information about our PE times, library days, book change days and any other important dates/facts you need to know! You will also be able to find out about our curriculum, topics, pictures of us learning and also what our classroom looks like throughout the year. We hope you enjoy our page and find all the information you need. Currently we have a transition booklet below that you should share before September with your child and also a video of the classroom currently (please bear in mind that this will look a little different to September as there will be a change of topic!)
For the new starters please see the New Starters page on our website for more information:
Please follow our twitter pages @MissLabourne (Miss Labourne) and @MrsLGregory (Mrs Gregory) to see what we are up to!
We are looking forward to meeting all of you!
Reception- Is the sky really the limit?
Physical Development
Taking care of our own personal hygiene, washing hands/toileting, dressing and undressing for PE, getting our own coat on and off. Using scissors carefully and correctly, mark making with a variety of media and resources. Writing our own name, sounds and words using the correct pencil grip. Moving to music Primary Steps in PE – moving freely, moving using our imagination, moving in a variety of ways including in a straight line and over obstacles, jumping and landing safely, and jumping for distance.
Understanding the World
Talking about what makes us special, what we are good at, our similarities and differences to others and learning about special times such as Harvest and Christmas. Learning about changes over time, how materials feel and floating and sinking. Making observations and talking about what we have seen. Learning how to take care of living things and the environment. Naming the different areas in our school, describing our houses and learning about different types of buildings. Sequencing stories by the beginning, middle and end. Learning how to unlock an iPad as well as select, close and use different apps including the camera app to take photos. Learning about the different jobs an astronaut does. Learning about the different features of a space suit. Naming and learning about different planets including the planet where we live.
Expressive Arts & Design
Selecting and using a variety of resources to represent our ideas and thoughts. Exploring different materials and techniques in both adult-led and self-initiated activities. Taking part in role-play and acting out stories. Drawing things that we like and see often, using lines to create shapes, holding pencils/crayons correctly and using colour appropriately. Talking about what we like about a piece of artwork, including our friends work and work by the artist Van Gogh. Creating artwork inspired by Van Gogh. Copying simple rhythms, moving to the rhythm of music and chanting to familiar rhymes and stories Building with construction, using scissors carefully to make cuts in paper and gluing materials together.
Communication & Interaction
Following simple instructions and directions. Learning how to be a good talk partner and good listener. Listening carefully during adult-led stories and talking about the characters and events. Taking part in listening and attention games. Using language to recreate roles and experiences in role-play. Speaking confidently in circle times about our favourite things, our family and our experiences. Working with our talk partners. Developing whole class story maps and using them to retell simple stories.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Settling in and making new friends. Learning new routines and playing games in small groups and working with partners. Selecting and getting to know our key person. Learning and following our Golden Rules. Learning our school values – focussing on working together and enjoyment. Selecting our own activities independently during self-initiated play. Taking turns and sharing. Taking part in Anti-Bullying Week and learning how to be a good friend. JIGSAW -Being Me in My World Celebrating Difference
Learning our sounds in daily Read Write Inc. lessons. Listening to stories and sharing our favourites. Recognising our own name and other key words. Writing our own name, sounds from RWI and simple words. Learning about rhyming words and strings. Hearing initial sounds and blending sounds. Blending for reading and writing. Reading alien words and creating story maps to help us retell a story.
Counting sets of objects correctly. Counting in order to 10/20 and recognising numbers to 10/20. Ordering numbers to 10/20. Ordering objects by size. Recognising, completing and creating repeating patterns. Learning about 2D shapes – making rockets using different shapes and identifying the shapes we have used. Identifying one more/one less than a given number. Measuring in different ways.
Year 1- What GROWS on at the farm?
We will be taking part in our daily read, Write Inc lessons and continuing to learn our set 1, 2 and 3 sounds for reading and writing. We will read our Read, Write Inc books daily using the sounds that we are familiar with along with discussing the text. The children will also take part in weekly guided reading sessions.
We will be focusing on a range of fiction books such as 'Little Red Hen', 'Farmer Duck' and 'Rosie's Walk'. The children will continue to work on their sentence writing and using the correct punctuation. We will write letters to a farmer and a recount about the chicks hatching. The children will create their own 'Who Am I?' poems.
Throughout the summer term we will be working on a range of skills and taking part in our daily 'Big Maths' sessions. We will focus on number and place value to 100. Addition and subtraction by counting on or back mentally to solve these calculations. Introduce multiplication and division through practical activities. Time and focus on o'clock and half past on analogue and digital clocks. Money- what are the different coins and what coins do you need to make different values.
We will be exploring and naming a range of different trees, lowers and plants. We will label the structure of these and identify deciduous and evergreen trees. We will observe and describe seasonal change by recording the temperature throughout the summer term. The children will create bar graphs to record this information.
We will have two PE sessions a week and we follow the Primary Steps framework. During the summer term our focus will be on net wall games and sending and receiving.
We will focus on how the children can keep safe online and we will revisit this throughout the term. The children will learn how to insert photographs into apps and add text boxes. They will create a short video about how to care for the chicks.
We will learn about how farming has changed over time. The children will learn about Christopher Columbus and why he is a significant person in history. We will create a timeline of his life.
We will explore our local area and name the human and physical features of Bottesford. We will create a brochure all about Bottesford for the community focusing on geographical features and vocabulary.
Art & Design
We will focus on the artist William Morris. We will create prints using flowers and leaves on fabric. The children will weave with fabric and thread and create an egg for the final product.
Design Technology
The children will design, make and evaluate their own animal puppet. They will explore sewing techniques to apply to their final outcome.
We will focus on pulse and listen to different pieces of music with different pulses. The children will compose their own piece of music with instruments.
We follow Jigsaw and the units we will be working on are 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me'.
What GROWS on at the farm?
Physical Development
Taking care of our own personal hygiene, washing hands/toileting, dressing and undressing for PE, getting our own coat on and off. Using scissors carefully and correctly, mark making with a variety of media and resources. Writing our own name, sounds and words using the correct pencil grip. Moving to music Primary Steps in PE – moving freely, moving using our imagination, moving in a variety of ways including in a straight line and over obstacles, jumping and landing safely, and jumping for distance. Holding PE equipment safely and throwing a ball accurately.
Understanding the World
Learning about changes over time, farming now and then and looking at/ exploring artefacts and timelines. Making observations and talking about what we have seen. Learning how to take care of living things and the environment. Finding plants in the local area, growing plants and naming the different parts. Exploring our local area of Bottesford and naming key features, thinking about what things we would see on a farm. Sequencing stories by the beginning, middle and end. Learning how to record a video as well as select, close and use different apps including the camera app to take photos. Learning about the different jobs an a farmer does. Learning about the life cycle of a chicken.
Expressive Arts & Design
Selecting and using a variety of resources to represent our ideas and thoughts. Exploring different materials and techniques in both adult-led and self-initiated activities. Taking part in role-play and acting out stories. Drawing things that we like and see often, using lines to create shapes, holding pencils/crayons correctly and using colour appropriately. Talking about what we like about a piece of artwork, including our friends work and work by the artist William Morris. Creating artwork inspired by William Morris and trying out print and weaving techniques. Use, explore and name instruments and describe the sounds that they make. Make collages using various materials and paper by joining them together
Communication & Interaction
Following simple instructions and directions. Learning how to be a good talk partner and good listener. Listening carefully during adult-led stories and talking about the characters and events. Taking part in listening and attention games. Using language to recreate roles and experiences in role-play. Speaking confidently in circle times about our favourite things, our family and our experiences. Working with our talk partners. Developing whole class story maps and using them to retell simple stories.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Play outdoor games in small groups and work with partners. Continue to select own activities independently during self-initiated play. Taking turns and sharing. We follow Jigsaw and the units we will be working on are 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me'.
Learning our sounds in daily Read Write Inc. lessons. Listening to stories and sharing our favourites. Using our knowledge of RWI sounds to use to spell words and write sentences. Learning about rhyming words and strings. Reading alien words and creating planned story maps to help us retell and write stories. Use 'Story Mountain.' Describe characters
Learning to count in 2s, 5s, 10s aswell as sharing amounts equally. Using addition and subtraction knowledge to solve problems. Measure- recognising coins/ money and adding simple amounts. Learning to tell the time to O' Clock and half past and exploring analogue clocks.
Year 1- What GROWS on at the farm?
We will be taking part in our daily read, Write Inc lessons and continuing to learn our set 1, 2 and 3 sounds for reading and writing. We will read our Read, Write Inc books daily using the sounds that we are familiar with along with discussing the text. The children will also take part in weekly guided reading sessions.
We will be focusing on a range of fiction books such as 'Little Red Hen', 'Farmer Duck' and 'Rosie's Walk'. The children will continue to work on their sentence writing and using the correct punctuation. We will write letters to a farmer and a recount about the chicks hatching. The children will create their own 'Who Am I?' poems.
Throughout the summer term we will be working on a range of skills and taking part in our daily 'Big Maths' sessions. We will focus on number and place value to 100. Addition and subtraction by counting on or back mentally to solve these calculations. Introduce multiplication and division through practical activities. Time and focus on o'clock and half past on analogue and digital clocks. Money- what are the different coins and what coins do you need to make different values.
We will be exploring and naming a range of different trees, lowers and plants. We will label the structure of these and identify deciduous and evergreen trees. We will observe and describe seasonal change by recording the temperature throughout the summer term. The children will create bar graphs to record this information.
We will have two PE sessions a week and we follow the Primary Steps framework. During the summer term our focus will be on net wall games and sending and receiving.
We will focus on how the children can keep safe online and we will revisit this throughout the term. The children will learn how to insert photographs into apps and add text boxes. They will create a short video about how to care for the chicks.
We will learn about how farming has changed over time. The children will learn about Christopher Columbus and why he is a significant person in history. We will create a timeline of his life.
We will explore our local area and name the human and physical features of Bottesford. We will create a brochure all about Bottesford for the community focusing on geographical features and vocabulary.
Art & Design
We will focus on the artist William Morris. We will create prints using flowers and leaves on fabric. The children will weave with fabric and thread and create an egg for the final product.
Design Technology
The children will design, make and evaluate their own animal puppet. They will explore sewing techniques to apply to their final outcome.
We will focus on pulse and listen to different pieces of music with different pulses. The children will compose their own piece of music with instruments.
We follow Jigsaw and the units we will be working on are 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me'.