Welcome to Green Class
Miss Smith and Mrs Gregory are the teachers in Green Class and Miss Jordan is the teaching assistant.
Our PE slots are on a Tuesday and Wednesday, but can change, so please can you ensure that PE kits are brought in on a Monday and taken again on a Friday. Reading books will be changed on a Friday. Homework will be sent out on a Friday and can it be returned to school on the following Wednesday. Green Class will use the library on a Monday and will bring their library book home each week.
Our twitter page is @GreenClassBI, please follow us to find out what we are learning.
Spring term coverage
This term our whole school theme is 'Bottesford on Tour' and we have created a polar regions immersive environment, with a focus on the Arctic and Antarctica animals as part of our classroom.
Year 1
Literacy - In Literacy the children will be looking at a range of fictional stories such as The Emperor's Egg, Lost and Found, The Lonely Polar Bear and Leaf. The children will create posters, leaflets, diary entries and acrostic poems. They will develop their speaking skills by creating an I-movie.
Maths - In Maths the children will be learning about numbers to 100. Days of the week, fractions, capacity, addition and subtraction.
Computing - In Computing the children will be using Lego visualiser to record their learning and build on their typing skills. The children will create an I-movie to showcase their learning. Throughout our computing lessons the children will continue to develop their awareness of e-safety and how they can keep themselves safe online.
Science - The children will look at seasonal change and what happens throughout the year. The children will learn about habitats and the different conditions they live in. They will learn to classify animals and decide if the are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. The children will plant seeds and observe the changes, they will know what a plant needs to grow. The children will investigate different materials through naming and their properties. We will complete investigations linking to our project.
PSHE - The children will be focusing on our school values communication and achieve. The children will take part in a weekly Jigsaw lesson. This term the focus is 'Dreams and Goals' and 'Healthy Me'.
Art and design - The children will be focusing on Georgia O'Keefe and her artwork, we will create our own flowers based on here art. Along with using critique to improve their work through drafting and peer critique.
Music - The children will be learning about the famous composer John Williams and listening to his music. The children will create their own pieces of music with a range of instruments and record this using symbols. The children will listen and learn rhymes and chants.
PE - The children will be covering different units based on dance and gymnastics.
History - The children will learn about the famous explorers and who was the first person to reach The North and South Pole.
RE - The children will focus on the festival of Easter.
Geography - The children will learn about their local area and Bottesford Beck. They will name human and physical features in our local area. The children will label The United Kingdom. We will compare the polar regions to Scunthorpe by looking at the weather, clothing, animals, homes and food.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to ask.