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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow


Welcome back everybody!

Miss Robinson is excited to see everybody back in Violet class!

Below you will find details of what we have planned for your learning this term.


Summer term 2022

Our project question this term is 'Where in the world do we live?'


We will be focusing on...


  • Story writing - retelling and changing stories from the same author
  • recount
  • instructions
  • riddle poetry
  • Practicing ongoing SPAG skills such as punctuation, sentence structure, common exception spellings, word types, using adjectives, conjunctions and interesting sentence openers


  • Number and Place value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division 
  • Geometry, position and direction
  • Measurement (length)
  • Measurement - time - comparing sequence intervals of time
  • Problem solving linked to the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

Science - Life processes and living things/Plants

  • Describing what animals need to survive
  • Understanding that animals grow and reproduce
  • Life cycles of animals and plants
  • Plants - what do they need to survive?
  • How seeds and bulbs grow into plants
  • Seasonal changes
  • Research significant scientists and their impact e.g. Marie Curie and Alexander Fleming


  • Victorian schools through time
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different time periods
  • Timeline - comparing schools from the 1900's to the present day
  • Research and find out about the history of Bottesford Infants

Geography - Our local area

  • Human and physical features of our local area
  • Jobs in our local area
  • Mapping - what are maps and why are they useful?
  • Compass directions
  • Planning a route using compass directions around the local area


  • Create an imovie
  • E-safety
  • Data handling
  • Individual Chromebooks - Developing word processing skills using 'Google Docs' (Google Classroom)
  • Google Earth to explore our locality

Design and Technology

  • Focus on designing and creating a playground structure


  • Sculpture
  • Explore sculpture work of Jill Townsley, Eva Rothchild and Anish Kapoor
  • Creating own piece of pottery


  • Focus on 'timbre' (what makes a musical note different from another one). Children will be exploring a range of instruments and comparing their sounds, composing, performing and appraising music 
  • Identify and name musical instruments
  • Clapping different rhythms 


  • Athletics 
  • Locomotion agility 
  • Games - net and wall


  • 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me'


  • Places of worship
  • Making comparisons 
  • How do different religious communities use their places of worship?

Summer Term - Where in the world do we live?

Spring 2022 - Who is King or Queen of the castle?

Autumn 2021 - Is the sky the limit?

Rainbow Day 2021!
