On this page you will find key information about the EYFS at Bottesford Infant School; this will be particularly useful for families of our new starter children joining us in Reception.
What does a day in EYFS look like?
08:40-08:50 Register (registration closes at 08:50 prompt)
08:55-09:30 Read Write Inc. Phonics
09:30-10:15 Session 1
10:15-10:30 Snack & story/poetry/rhyme time
10:30-10:45 Break time
10:45-11:45 Session 2
11:45-12:45 Lunch
12:45-13:15 Register and Mental Maths
13:15-14:15 Session 3
14:15-14:30 Break time
14:30-14:50 Handwriting
14:55-15:10 Assembly
15:10-15:20 Review the day (including word of the day)
15:20 Hometime
For information about the staffing in each EYFS class, please visit the 'Who's who' page which can be found here: https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/whos-who/
Key Person
Every child in our school chooses a key person, an adult they can talk to about anything; if they are proud of something or feeling worried for example. These are displayed in every classroom. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are unsure who your child's key person is.
SEND and Disabilities
For more information about how we support children with special educational needs and disabilities please visit the SEND page of our website which can be found here: https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/send/
Food and drink
We ask children to bring a named water bottle into school every day; they have access to this throughout the day. All children are offered a healthy snack at 10.15am daily. All children have access to Universal infant free school meals. Free milk is also available for under 5's. For more information about school lunches and the school milk scheme please visit the 'Food and drinks' page of our website which can be found here: https:// https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/food-snacks/
We use Tapestry, an online learning journal, to document your child's learning and time with us. You will also be able to share learning from home; for more information please see the Tapestry page on our website which can be found here: https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/tapestry/
Class pages
Please visit our class pages to find out more about the learning taking place each term, PE days, library days and much more. You will also be able to see photographs of activities and experiences we offer our children in the EYFS.
Red class - https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/red-8/
Orange class - https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/orange-8/
Yellow class - https://www.bottesfordinfants.co.uk/yellow-8/
For any other information please contact us by email office@bottesfordinfants.co.uk or call us on 01724862483.