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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow


Welcome to Blue Class

Key Information

Blue Class is a mixed year 1 and 2 class of 30 children. The part time teacher in Blue Class is Mrs Johnston and she works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Blue Class has a teaching assistant, Mrs Connatty, who teaches the class on Monday afternoons for their 'Jigsaw' lessons. Miss Chapman also teaches the class on a Wednesday when Mrs Johnston is off. 



Blue Class PE sessions will take place on a Wednesday and Friday (Children will need to bring their PE kits on a Monday and keep them in school until Friday). All children will be expected to get themselves changed into their PE kits as independently as possible. Please encourage this independence at home also.


Library/ Reading

Our class library session will take place on Monday mornings where the children will swap their library books each week. We encourage all of the children to bring their reading books and reading records into school every day. The children's Read Write Inc reading books will also be changed on a Monday weekly as long as they have read three times. The children will also receive a golden ticket for reading three times a week. 



Homework will be set on tapestry every Friday at the end of the school day . Children are expected to hand their homework books in on Wednesdays (if they have chosen to record their homework in their books). We encourage homework to be as practical as possible. We are also aware of busy family schedules and do not expect every task to be completed from our homework sheet. These are just suggested activities to help with your child's learning.



We encourage all families to regularly check our online tapestry platform. We will often post messages and learning on tapestry. Our tapestry posts are mainly group focused on our practical learning sessions (often there are more posts at the beginning of the week). Messages can also be posted to staff member on tapestry. However, any urgent matters need to be discussed directly with office staff/or the class teacher rather than messages on Tapestry. Tapestry is only monitored during school hours during the week, please be mindful of this.


