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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

School Council

We are a group of KS1 children who meet regularly to share ideas and make decisions to make our school the happiest, healthiest place it can be. We have two children from each class and meet with Miss Parker regularly.


Every year we have a School Election day where any child hoping to be a School Councillor presents their campaign to their class, explaining why they think they would make a great School Councillor. Every child then votes for a boy and a girl who they would like to represent their class in the School Council; the boy and girl from each class with the most votes are the successful candidates! We use this time to teach our children about the British Value of Democracy. 


Here are some of the exciting things we have done in previous years...

  • We have shown new families around our school.
  • We wrote a new set of rules for the Trim Trail to be displayed in all of our classrooms. 
  • We helped Miss Parker to update all of our playground equipment to help us be as active as possible at playtimes and lunchtimes. 
  • We completed some research to help make playtimes more fun.
  • We have planned and hosted our own stall at the school Christmas and Summer Fayres.
  • We shared our views about how we learn best at Bottesford Infant School.
  • We help interview new members of staff that want to join our school. We are pleased that the governors listened to our feedback when we interviewed.

School Council 2024-2025
