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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

PE and Sport Premium

At Bottesford Infant School we believe that, 'Better movers make better thinkers. Better movers make better learners.' 

We are committed to improving PE and school sport for our children. 

    We are very proud of how fit and healthy our children are, as they already have so many opportunities at our school to take part in daily physical activity and learn about healthy lifestyles. We aim to make our provision even better using the PE and Sport Premium funding.


    We will use the PE and Sport Premium money to:

    • Increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PESSPA
    • Engage all pupils in regular physical activity 
    • Further raise the profile of PE and sport as a tool for whole-school improvement
    • Offer all children a broad experience of a range of sports and activities 
    • Increase participation in competitive sport


    We are a proud member of the Get Ahead Partnership and work closely with them to improve every child's experience of PE (curriculum), to increase opportunities for competition against selves and others, increase physical activity for all young people and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

    Here are some of the ways we have used our PE and Sport Premium in previous years:

    • Our membership to the Get Ahead Partnership. As part of this, 100% of our Year 2 children have attended at least one out of school sporting event before they transition to Junior School. Over 60% of our children have attended an out of school sporting event last year. 
    • Liam, our Physical Activity Mentor, leads active playtimes and works with targeted groups.
    • Provided all of our children with memorable days of physical activity; these included a Colour Run, Silent Disco, EURO football day and Olympic day. These events were ran by the Get Ahead Partnership. 
    • Intra-school competitions termly including a Speed of Light day, Cricket day and World Cup day. 
    • Transport to local inter-school sporting events. 
    • CPD for staff including Yoga CPD for Miss Watson and KS1 Fundamental Movement CPD for Miss Parker. 
    • Kate Hill, PE Mentor from the Get Ahead Partnership, came into school every Wednesday afternoon during the Spring term to work alongside our teachers and further develop their teaching of Dance.
    • Our Get Going Wellbeing programme with Brad, from the Get Ahead Partnership, who came into school every Monday afternoon during the Spring term to work with targeted children.
    • New class fitbits for our Active Bear competition.


    Some feedback from our families:

    'The wide range of sporting activities has also been a brilliant feature of this term. Events such as the colour run, sports day, the EURO football day and the mini Olympics day have meant so much to J. It was wonderful to see his excitement and the photos on Tapestry, and to hear all about them at home.'

    'My son had THE BEST time doing this. Thank-you for making moving fun.'

    'He hasn't stopped talking about the silent disco since he got home this afternoon, he burst through the door and told me he'd had the best day ever!'


    Please see below for photos of some of the things we have used our funding on.

    Go to for more information about sporting events and activities that have taken place in school.


    Previous year's reports can be found at the bottom of this page.

    Our speaker!

    We used our PE and Sport Premium money to buy this speaker; it allows us to do PE lessons outside, keep active at playtimes and is used every week for Miss Parker's 'Fitness Friday' on the playground! We have updated the music each year using the PE and Sport Premium money. 

    Active Bear

    Active Bear is our newest addition to our Achievement Assembly awards... every day one child from each class wears the class Fitbit, we record the number of steps completed at the end of every day and total them up at the end of a week. The most active class is rewarded with 'Active Bear'! 

    We have invested in the PE library from 'Primary Steps in PE'. Each week children from each class take home a PE Library bag for the weekend; each bag contains equipment and an activity book. The aim of the PE Library is to get children more active at home and to encourage more physical play with their parents/siblings; we used the PE and Sport Premium money to fund this. 

    Active Playtimes

    The School Council met with Miss Parker to discuss our playground and what we could do to make playtimes even more fun and even more active. The children decided they would really like to play more games and in order to do this we would need some new equipment. They created a shopping list using post-its and catalogues. Here is all of our new equipment ready to go!  

    Running Challenge!

    Our running challenge has been a huge success at playtimes with 56% of children who completed the Active Questionnaire (July 2019) citing the lap bands as their favourite new piece of equipment and 44% choosing it as their favourite thing to do at playtime.  

    The children collect a lap band at the end of each lap of the playground before counting their total number of laps at the end; their challenge is to do as many laps as they can and beat their personal best. We used the PE and Sport Premium money to buy the lap bands and equipment to mark out the track. 
