Blue class is a mixed year 1/2 class. Mrs Gregory is the full- time class teacher in blue class and our teaching assistant is Mrs Bell . Mrs Holmes also covers planning time on a Monday afternoon. Our class page is where you will find information about our PE times, library days, book change days and any other important dates/facts you need to know! You will also be able to find out about our curriculum, topics, pictures of us learning and also what our classroom looks like throughout the year. We hope you enjoy our page and find all the information you need.
Please follow our school twitter page to see what we are up to!
Book change day- Wednesday
PE days- Tuesday and Wednesday (please have PE kits in school on Monday's and they will be sent home Friday)
Library- Wednesday
Homework due in by Wednesday please!
We had lots of fun this morning for our project launch. We decorated hats to wear whilst we watched a Disney nature documentary called ‘Penguins’ . It showed the children what the landscape, climate and weather would be like in Antarctica . It was also full of lots of facts and information about Adélie penguins, which we wrote about in our jotters. We had a lovely morning sharing our new learning which lead to lots of other questions about the North and south poles and the differences between them.
Autumn term- Who is awake in Bottesford at Night?
Both year groups are in standard font, year 1 specifics are in green and year 2 in purple
Our classroom has a night time woodland theme!
We will be focusing on...
- Character profiles (based on familiar fictional characters)
- Labels, lists and captions
- Writing non-fiction texts
- Shape poetry
- Letter writing
- Diary entry
- Instructions
- Newspaper report
- Practising ongoing SPAG skills such as punctuation, sentence structure, common exception spellings, word types, using adjectives, conjunctions and interesting sentence openers.
- Number and Place value
- Addition and Subtraction
- Properties of shapes (2D and 3D shapes)
- Fractions
- Measurement (length, height and weight)
- Multiplication and Division
- Statistics (pictograms, tally charts and tables)
Science - Materials
- Materials - uses of everyday materials, comparing and classifying different materials based on their simple physical properties e.g. transparent
- Identifying natural and manufactured materials
- Explain why materials are suitable for making certain things
- Research significant scientists and their impact
- Significant events - The Great Fire of London
- Fire engine timeline - how the fire service has developed through timeline
- Significant individual - Samuel Pepys (Why is his diary recount important?) and William Petty (linked to Science)
- Key events / timeline of the Great Fire of London
- Identify the four countries that make up the UK
- Name the three seas that surround the UK
- Name and locate on a map the four capital cities of the UK
- Name key London landmarks
- Talk about the different areas of the UK.
- Photography - take photographs and retrieve them from a device
- Make edits to photographs and know how to take a 'screen shot'
- Developing our Chromebook skills - logging on, navigate Apps
- Developing word processing (using the internet to add text to their chosen picture)
Design and Technology
- Focus on vehicles - design and make a moving vehicle with wheels and axles
- Design, make and evaluate moving pictures and explore mechanisms.
- Focus on drawing - teach and practice different drawing, sketching and shading techniques
- Look at a range of aviation artwork
- Focus artist study - Wrendale art
- Focus on pitch (high and low sounds). Children will be exploring a range of instruments and comparing their sounds, composing, performing and appraising music (aviation themed music).
Autumn A
- Locomotion- Exploring the movement of their bodies and developing control.
- Body management- Developing balance and creating sequences of movements.
Autumn B
- Interpretive dance- Exploring and creating balancing, sequences and dance
- Indoor athletics
- 'Being me in my world' (positive behaviour choices and their impact).
- 'Celebrating differences' (exploring respect for everyone around and looking at a range of different people).
- 'Being Human' - Key beliefs in Islam