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Bottesford Infant School

Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow


Using the Library

The children visit the library during class time every week, where they have the opportunity to change their library book. Library books are not staged/levelled in any way, they are for the children to share with their families for their enjoyment. The children choose their own library book based on their own interests.

We ask that library books are always in their book bag in case their library day needs to change due to other events in school. If they haven’t finished reading their library book they can renew it and take it back out again.

Reading Leaders

Year 2 children are invited to apply to be reading leaders. Ten children are then selected and are awarded a reading leader badge in assembly. The reading leaders are based on the veranda on the playground where a different two children are on duty each day. During playtime and dinnertime the reading leaders will encourage children to read, they will read books to younger children and ask them questions about their book. 

Library Visits

Reading Leaders

Reading Leaders

Using the library at break and lunch

We look forward to sharing our new library with you! 

