The teaching of RE aims to actively prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. We develop pupils' knowledge and understanding of Christianity as well as Islam in equal measure and Hinduism as a third alternative religion. Within our RE teaching we explore authentic religious materials such as sacred texts and artefacts. RE teaching reflects diversity in terms of the changing religious landscape of the UK. RE will both engage pupils and challenge their thinking. It provides opportunities for pupils to share their own experiences and also provides a safe space for both discussions and relevant questions. RE lessons will present different religions as a real, lived phenomenon and not something which is abstract or belonging to the past. Within RE children are encouraged to distinguish between opinion, belief and fact. Through both the teaching of RE and within cross-curricular links with PSHE and International Schools, we ensure children develop respect, empathy and sensitivity for others. Our school values WE CARE (Working together, Enjoyment, Communication, Achievement, Respect and Empowerment) are embedded and intertwined in to all aspects of our RE syllabus. Furthermore, the teaching of RE makes links not only with our school values but also British values, including Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
Parents are carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE. Please speak to your class teacher for more information about the RE curriculum if required.